The restoration opportunities were created for both tidal and non-tidal wetlands. For tidal wetland restoration opportunities, the USGS Digital Elevation Model was used to establish the potential boundaries from 2 m above mean sea level to 0 m. For non-tidal wetland opportunities, the boundaries of the Chesapeake Bay Program hydric soils layers were used as potential project extent. Within these regions, the following classification categories were removed from the high resolution dataset: 1. impervious non-road, 2. forest, 3. impervious roads, 4. water, 5. tree canopy over impervious surface, and 6. three wetland categories. These 6 classifications were removed because land uses are either already wetlands or are land uses that could not be restored as wetlands. The areas that remained could potentially be restored as tidal or non-tidal wetlands.
Administration account for the Northeast Conservation Planning Atlas.