Large Forest Blocks, New York State

Nov 28, 2016 (Last modified Dec 14, 2023)
Uploaded by Northeast
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Large forest blocks are important features on the landscape and worthy of conservation attention. Maintenance of large blocks of intact habitat is perhaps the most oft recommended biodiversity conservation strategy. We created a map of large forest blocks by selecting all of the forest formations from the Ecological Systems dataset and converting this raster coverage into a polygon coverage using ArcMap. We then used the area function within the resulting attribute table to calculate areas of forest habitats across the state. Last, we classified them according to parameters originally developed by the Orange County Open Space Plan (Orange County Planning Department, 2004) and further utilized by Cornell University’s Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s Hudson River Estuary Program to map large forest patches in the Hudson River Estuary watershed ( The classification includes forest patches that are (1) globally important (>15,000 acres), (2) regionally important (6,000 – 15,000 acres), (3) locally important (2,000 - 6,000 acres), and (4) stepping stone forests (200 – 2,000 acres). For the purpose of this NY state focused effort, we collapsed the first two categories into one class of forests of regional significance.

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generated using ADIwg mdTranslator 2.6.1
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ScienceBase (USGS) View Record
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Content date:
2016-11-01 20:11:17 (creation Date), 2016-11-28 18:19:00 (lastUpdate Date), 2016-11 (Publication Date)
North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Wildlife Conservation Society(Principal Investigator), Heidi Kretser(Principal Investigator), 2016-11-01(creation), 2016-11-28(lastUpdate), 2016-11(Publication), Large Forest Blocks, New York State
Contact Organization:
North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Wildlife Conservation Society
North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Two Countries One Forest
Staying Connected Initiative
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[{"url": "", "title": "Download All Attached Files from ScienceBase"}, {"url": "", "title": "md_metadata.json"}, {"url": "", "title": "Download Original Metadata"}, {"url": "", "title": "Download Original Metadata"}]

About the Uploader

with Science Applications, Northeast

Administration account for the Northeast Conservation Planning Atlas.