The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Corporate Master Table (CMT) is the official source of Service organization codes and related information. Information in the CMT includes, but is not limited to, organization codes, organization names, Federal Budget Management System (FBMS), cost center codes, fire unit identifiers, program names, mailing and physical/shipping addresses, telephone and fax numbers as well as latitude and longitude coordinates.
The CMT enables all Service automated systems to utilize a corporate data set of known quality, eliminating the workload required to maintain each system's data set, and thereby facilitating data sharing. Other customers for the CMT are Service personnel who maintain directories, communicate with Congress and with the Public, maintain World Wide Web sites, etc. These spatial data were created using the information in the CMT. The CMT contains location information on all the offices within the Service that have an organization code. Unstaffed offices and some other facilities may not be included. The latitude and longitude points used are usually the location of the main administrative site. The latitude and longitude data is not completely verified, but is the best we have at this time. This data set is intended to give an overview of where USFWS has stations across the United States and Territories, including locations outside the 50 states. It is not intended to be the exact location of every USFWS office. The CMT is primarily used for accounting purposes and therefore one location in the CMT can represent many different offices. Some points are duplicates where a station, most usually an Ecological Field Office, may be associated with more than one USFWS program.
For a direct link to the official Enterprise Geospatial dataset and metadata: